· Research Question – What is the importance of Information Technology in Strategic Planning? · Evaluate Information Technology Strategic Planning Process. · Components of an IT strategic plan? · Principles of Strategic Leadership. · How does Information Technology in Strategic Planning enable the delegation of decision making in a retail industry? 1. The paper should include at a minimum of the following sections: a. Title page b. Executive Summary (Abstract) c. Body i. Introduction ii. Literature review d. Conclusion e. References 2. Must cite at least 10 references and 6 must be from peer reviewed scholarly journals. 3. This paper should be in proper APA format and avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing content. It should be 10 pages (double-spaced), excluding the title page and references.

· Research Question – What is the importance of Information Technology in Strategic Planning?

· Evaluate Information Technology Strategic Planning Process.

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· Components of an IT strategic plan?

· Principles of Strategic Leadership.

· How does Information Technology in Strategic Planning enable the delegation of decision making in a retail industry?

1. The paper should include at a minimum of the following sections:

a. Title page

b. Executive Summary (Abstract)

c. Body

i. Introduction

ii. Literature review

d. Conclusion

e. References

2. Must cite at least 10 references and 6 must be from peer reviewed scholarly journals.

3. This paper should be in proper APA format and avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing content. It should be 10 pages (double-spaced), excluding the title page and references.