1.Evaluate the situation faced by the Mayo Clinic (Mayo) at the time of the case. What has prompted Mayo to reevaluate its strategic decisions? 2.Evaluate Mayo’s performance at the time the strategic plan was adopted. Why would such a large organization undertake a strategic change process at a time when it was doing reasonably well? 3.Compare and contrast the three major options that were considered by the Task Force in coming up with the 2020 Initiative. Explain the choice that Mayo made and how it compares with Mayo’s current strategy. 4.What challenges does Mayo face in putting its plan into practice? What would you suggest the firm do in response to these challenges? attachment MayoClinic-The

1.Evaluate the situation faced by the Mayo Clinic (Mayo) at the time of the case. What has prompted Mayo to reevaluate its strategic decisions?

2.Evaluate Mayo’s performance at the time the strategic plan was adopted. Why would such a large organization undertake a strategic change process at a time when it was doing reasonably well?

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3.Compare and contrast the three major options that were considered by the Task Force in coming up with the 2020 Initiative. Explain the choice that Mayo made and how it compares with Mayo’s current strategy.

4.What challenges does Mayo face in putting its plan into practice? What would you suggest the firm do in response to these challenges?
