International Development homework help

International Development homework help. TESLA CASE ANALYSIS: 1.   Title of Case : Complete individual assignments of case analysis for the case of Tesla.2.     Executive Summary (5-6 sentences summary of your report) 3.     Introduction  (Describe the company) 4.     Background (Give the historical event review.  Only use relevant events. Explain why these are relevant to the case analysis.) 5.     Problem Definition As you will see in the case, Tesla faces many external issues across all factors covered in a PESTEL analysis.  In addition, Tesla is attempting to vertically integrate along the Industry Value Chain. Please address each of the following in your case analysis in detail:Please describe in detail how Tesla is attempting to vertically integrate along the Industry Value Chain.  (Chapter 8 in text)Does Tesla have the financial position to support such an investment?  Please support your answer with financial data (cite sources).What alternative strategies could be deployed?  (i.e. partnerships, alliances, carving niche in Value Chain, etc.)   (Chapter 9 in text)What would you recommend?  Please support your answers in detail.Be precise; support your reasoning for each question.6. External Analysis7.     Action Taken by Firm8.     Results of Overall Analysis and Interpretation of Results9.     Your Recommendations     (Justify your reasoning.)How much will your recommendations impact the firm? Are they feasible? Which recommendations did firm follow? 10.  Conclusion

International Development homework help

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