Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Joubert project consulting firm estimates that the probability of one of its projects being affected by under-staffing, procurement problems, insufficient funding and design errors are 0.6, 0.75, 0.58 and 0.82 respectively. Based on historical records when the project is affected by under-staffing, procurement problems, insufficient funds and design error, there is 70%, 81%, 85% and 92% chances that the project will finish within the stipulated project duration time. Also based on historical records, if the project is not affected by under-staffing, procurement problem, insufficient funds and design errors, the probability that the projects will finish within the stipulated project duration time are: 0.15, 0.22, 0.28 and 0.35 respectively. 1. What is the probability that the future project of this company will exhibit under-staffing, procurement problems, insufficient fund and the design errors, if: a. The project is finished on time. b. The project is not finished on time. 2. What is the probability that the future project of this company will not exhibit under-staffing, procurement problems, insufficient funds and design errors: a. The project is finished on time. b. The project is not finished on time.

Political Science homework help

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