Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. Complete 1 page APA formatted essay: Subtypes of Schizophrenia.One of the chemicals being identified is the neurotransmitters. The third main cause is drugged abuse whereby it alters the brain functioning hence it results in the development of schizophrenia. The above cause discussed is the same cause that was mentioned in the class lecture as the main cause of the schizophrenia disorder (Konkel 3).The articles also explain some of the symptoms of schizophrenia disorder. They include disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions which are also called hallucinations and inappropriate emotions and actions.&nbsp. In our class lecture, the schizophrenia symptoms were same from the symptoms from National Institute of Mental Health (Konkel 4). Finally, the article explains subtypes of schizophrenia as paranoid which is the preoccupation with delusion often with persecution or grandiosity. Catatonic is characterized by the immobility, extreme negativism and parrot-like repeating of one’s movement.

Health Sciences homework help

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