Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic English/writing.According to Larry Finger (1978), he once told an audience, “You have to be careful of that one. it’s a tricky poem – very tricky” (478) when referring to this poem. As Bellah (2004) points out, the title of the poem is “The Road Not Taken” rather than “The Road Less Taken” (emphasis added), which provides the first clue as to the author’s original intentions and a different reading of the poem.By analyzing the poem through each of its four stanzas, one can begin to trace the linguistic tools used by the author to make his meaning clear.The first stanza of the poem establishes the setting and the mood of the poem. It opens with the line “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.” This immediately places the reader within an idyllic, timeless, peaceful place. Frost is able to do this by using words such as ‘diverge’, which suggests leisure time and a lack of concern as people only allow themselves to ‘diverge’ from their purpose when they haven’t any pressing purposes on their schedule. The wood he is in is yellow, which is a color most often associated in the Western culture with happiness, friendship and pleasant sunshine, something that is most welcome in Vermont during the spring or fall when the leaves on the trees are more likely to be described as yellow. At the same time, Frost establishes that this is not a frightening wood as a yellow wood does not contain any shadows or fearsome places within its depths, only deeper and perhaps friendlier yellows. “We talk about things the way we conceive of them, and this is fashioned through and grounded in experience and culture: our basic conceptual system ‘is fundamentally metaphoric in nature’” (Bailey, 2003). Having warmly welcomed his readers into his world, he confides he is “sorry I could not travel both / And be one traveler” (2-3). This indicates that both roads before him are equally appealing and

Chemistry homework help

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