Business homework help

Business homework help. Make a food web with any  5 of the following producers: 1.Filamentous green algae 2.  Diatoms 3. Elodea 4.  Oscillatoria 5. Mougeotia scalaris 6. Cladophora glomerata.ANDAny 10 consumers: 1.  Dragon Fly Larva, 2. Pond snail, 3.  Water mites, 4.  Damselfly Larva, 5.  Ostracod, 6.  Copepod, 7.  Orb Snail, 8.  Daphnia, 9.  Amphipod,   10.  Nematodes, 11.  Midge larva, 12.  Aquatic earthworm

Business homework help

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