Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. For our final discussion, we will take time to reflect on the learning process throughout the course, discuss the ways your speech delivery has or has not improved, and examine ways that you will apply these learned skills outside of the classroom.,Discuss the ways your speech delivery has or has not improved,For our final discussion, we will take time to reflect on the learning process throughout the course, discuss the ways your speech delivery has or has not improved, and examine ways that you will apply these learned skills outside of the classroom.,A friendly reminder that this discussion board is moderated. This means that you will not see other students’ posts until you post your response. Setting up the discussion boards in this way helps to encourage doing your own thinking and your own work.,Instructions, “Self-reflection seeks insight about yourself and your behavior, values, knowledge, and growth. ,Self-evaluation,, on the other hand, is used to study your performance in order to improve it. Both are related and necessary to your growth both at work and outside of it.” (Spinney).,To complete your initial post, address the following points:,What was the most enjoyable part of this course for you?, What was the most challenging part of this course for you?, Has your speech delivery improved throughout the course?, Are there skills you still feel like you need to improve?, Were there any skills you were hoping would improve that didn’t? Thinking beyond the classroom, what are some of the ways you see yourself applying what you’ve learned to the “real world”?, In what facets of your life do you think these skills will be most useful?,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

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