History homework help

History homework help. Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: What does team-based care look like in health care organizations?, INCLUDE an in text paraphrased citation to an Empirical research source.,What does team-based care look like in health care organizations?,Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:, What does team-based care look like in health care organizations?, Finally, INCLUDE an in text paraphrased citation to an Empirical research source.,More details;,Team,–,based health care is the, provision of ,health, services to individuals, families, and/or their communities by at least two ,health, providers who work collaboratively with patients and their caregivers—to the extent preferred by each patient – to accomplish shared goals within and across settings to achieve …,Achieving those goals will ultimately have a positive impact on the patient. Through effective team communication, providers can ensure better care outcomes, ultimately leading to a better patient experience.,At the same time, team-based care can improve the relationship between various providers as well as their patients, again making for higher ,patient satisfaction,.,Below, ,PatientEngagementHIT.com, outlines the driving forces behind the prevalence of team-based care. How organizations can use team-based care, and the impacts this care approach will have on patients.,WHAT DRIVES THE NEED FOR TEAM-BASED CARE?,Team-based care has become a popular healthcare goal in the wake of the industry’s transition to value-based care models. Given the cost-cutting and outcomes-based goals in many value-based care models, industry experts assert that teamwork between various providers is essential.,The focus on patients with chronic illness or other complex health needs has also given rise to the idea of team-based care. These patients see a number of providers, including primary care physicians, specialists, pharmacists. Also, the litany of nurses and physician assistants who may be practicing in those facilities., ,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

History homework help

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