Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Describe 2 common problems/disorders in ears of the elderly. Discuss pathophysiologic changes at the tissue level and relate them to abnormal assessment findings. (20 points),Describe 2 common problems/disorders in ears of the elderly,HOMEWORK 2 (Ear, Nose, Throat),Instructions:, Provide complete and concise answers to questions, do not include questions or scenario. Use scholarly writing for all answers. Include APA 7th style title page, citations, and also reference list. Use correct grammar, complete sentences, paragraph structure, and also professional terms. Use scholarly sources (e.g., textbook, journals, government agencies) less than 5 years old to support answers. Paraphrase content (i.e., rephrase in your own words), cite/reference source, and do not use quotes.,Part 1, ENT:, Firstly, describe 2 common problems/disorders in ears of the elderly. Discuss pathophysiologic changes at the tissue level and relate them to abnormal assessment findings. (20 points),Secondly, provide at least 2 evidence-based health promotion recommendations for ear health and explain the need/benefit. (15 points),Part 2, ENT:,Rosa Jimenez is a 28-year-old female who was admitted to the emergency department to rule out injury related to a fall while bicycling. She was not wearing a helmet. She has no significant medical history and no allergies.,Examination data: Alert and slightly anxious female in pain and guarding the right side of her mouth and face. Her vital signs are: heart rate of 110 beats/min, respirations of 24 breaths/min, blood pressure 134/86 mmHg, temperature of 99.0 degrees Fahrenheit, oxygen saturation of 93% on room air, and also pain 7/10 (0-10 scale) in the right side of her mouth and face.,Upon external examination; she has edema, tenderness, and ecchymoses on the right jaw and face. Blood and drool are emptying mostly out of the right side of the mouth. The right mandible is tender with crepitus, and also is independently mobile to manual manipulation by the examiner.,The patient has difficulty swallowing and talking. She is unable to open her mouth fully and opening/closing of the mouth increases the pain. Her lower lip is numb and also she reports the lower right teeth are out of alignment with the upper right teeth. Upon internal examination, she has an intraoral laceration with bleeding, several loose teeth, edema, a sublingual hematoma and also the right lower teeth are out of alignment with the rest of the lower teeth.,For Ms. Jimenez, 3. Identify potential medical diagnosis(es) related to abnormalities in the oropharynx.,Explain abnormal findings that support diagnosis. (20 points),Furthermore, identify all NANDA nursing diagnoses labels (just the label as many as you can!) that apply to this patient (e.g., impaired swallowing). Also, identify the priority (#1 always the AIRWAY) nursing diagnosis label; and for the (#1) nursing diagnosis label, explain the nursing interventions to address the identified problem.,Provide evidence-based rationale to explain the need and/or benefit of each intervention. For interventions, include what the nurse should “monitor/assess”, “do”, and also “teach” to the, client., (20 points),Additionally, discuss one potential healthcare referral need for the client and explain the need and/or benefit. (10 points),Scholarly Writing (15 points),Please use this helpful sites:,,,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

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