Writing Homework Help
University of Pretoria Sociolinguistics and Language Creativity Discussion
Discuss the degree to which creativity can be involved in different genres of writing. What factors account for the emergence of creativity in these written forms? Illustrate your discussion with 2-3 examples.
This assignment requires you to write an essay based on your understanding of different concepts introduced throughout the course, for instance: creativity and clines of literariness, conceptual metaphors, connotations/denotations, intertextuality, multimodality, semiotics and representations, narrative theories (Propp’s archetypes and themes, or Labov’s narrative structure), performativity and identity, cultural embednessness and multilingualism, hybridisation, dialogic and collaboration, narrative points of view, focalisaion and free indirect speech. You should also be able to demonstrate your sensitivity towards language features by selecting specific examples from your chosen texts.
In answering the question, you should first establish your definition of creativity in order to have a criterion against which to evaluate creativity in different types of writing.
You may consider a range of writing/genres, such as short stories, drama, poetry, children’s literature, media texts, song lyrics, advertising language, letters, diaries, blogs, graffiti, computer mediated communication and social media etc.
Also, you need to note that written creativity may entail use of other media than pen and ink – the use of multimodality (graphological, phonological features) in the construction of posters, flyers, magazine covers, or in advertising language, computer mediated communication (simultaneous interaction in online mediums), spray-painted graffiti, post-it notes etc. are all just as relevant to the discussion as
more traditional letters, books, and newspapers.
Then, focus on 2-3 examples of texts (no more than that!). This will enable you to evaluate your selected texts against your criterion of creativity you’ve set up initially.
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