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Palm Beach Association of Neural Tube Defects and Inadequate Folate Discussion

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Clinical evidence has demonstrated an association between folic acid deficiency and the occurrence of neural tube defects. What methods can be utilized in health promotion to make sure that women of childbearing age have adequate folic acid levels prior to pregnancy?

Respond to this student: Neural Tube Defects (NTD) is when the neural tube doesn’t close correctly during embryogenesis. NTD’s usually occur during the first trimester of pregnancy and can cause a defect to the baby’s brain (i.e. anencephaly) or spine cord (i.e. spina bifida) or even death.  During pregnancy, folic acid (Vitamin B9) levels can drop when the mother’s body does not produce enough folate cells for the mother and the unborn child.  To prevent the drop in folic acid during pregnancy, women should start to take Vitamin B9 (folic acid) when they decide to try to get pregnant or as soon as she finds out that she is pregnant.  Along with Vitamin B9, I women of childbearing age should eat foods that are high in folate (folic acid).  Some of these folate foods includes beans, asparagus, eggs, leafy greens, citrus fruits and bananas.