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AU In House Social Media Staffing Discussion

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Your Ideal Social Media Team

Imagine you were a manager at an organization that did not currently have any in-house social media staffing and did not engage in any outside sources or consulting. You have now been tasked to build a social media team/department. Describe what would be your recommendations for the roles, staffing, tools, etc. to run and manage social media for the organization. must be 500-600 MS-WORD. Pdfs and links attached for guidance.

If it helps you to provide context of the size of the organization (e.g.: small non-profit vs. large corporation), you may do so. You also do not have to worry about providing any kind of budget or cost numbers; but remember the size/roles of the team typically has a relationship to the kind and size of organization.

A few thought-starters (you may or may not choose to use this list):

  • What roles would you hire? What would be the responsibilities for each (high-level)?
  • What tools and other resources would you desire? Provide a description of why you would need them.
  • Would you outsource any activities or roles? Why or why not?