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AU Planning Benefits Strategically Discussion

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HR Knowledge 7: Employee Benefits

Thoroughly review the following video:

Based on your review, please respond to the following:

The video shares a discussion specifically on 9 benefits related to Voluntary Employee Benefits. Review the VEB’s and if you could only have 4 of them, which 4 would you select? Be sure to explain why you made those choices.


From Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development:

Additional Information

Note: Your response to the discussion must be informative, be supported with research, and follow the requirements set by this course.

Total Rewards Knowledge 7: Planning Benefits Strategically

Internal and external forces will greatly impact organizational strategies and this is also the case with strategies for planning employee benefits. On page 484 of the textbook, review the list of internal forces that influence benefit strategy and select any 2 that you feel might have the greatest influence and explain why. Then, select 1 external force influencing benefits strategy with the greatest influence and also explain why.

Read the “Tables Organized by Benefit” webpage and select one type of benefit to explore. Be prepared to discuss.

Note: Your response to the discussion must be informative, be supported with research, and follow the requirements set by this course.