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CPS 470 570 Python Random Integers and Threads Code

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Write python code to complete the following tasks. Global variables are not allowed.
Only constants could be global.

1. Insert 20 random integers in the range [10, 30] into a queue named jobs.
Print those random integers on the screen.

2. In main(), create 5 threads, each having a unique ID (e.g., thread 1’s ID
is 1, thread 2’s ID is 2, and so on).

3. Each thread gets an integer from the queue jobs. If this integer is unique,
this thread prints the integer on the screen, and increases countUniques by 1
(countUniques’s initial value is 0).

4. In main(), after all threads finish work, print countUniques’s value
on the screen.
[If jobs has 20 random integers but there are 15 unique ones, then we should see
15 on the screen.]