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Grand Canyon University Cultural Awareness Discussion Response

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Taking the “Self-Assessment 2-1: Do You Have a Cultural Mindset quiz has reminded me how vital cultural awareness is to master to apply in our daily lives. This skill is a necessity because it allows us to have a greater understanding of ourselves. In addition, it requires us to self-reflect and recognizes our internal prejudices (Betancur et al., 2020). 

Since language and culture are interconnected, working or interacting with people who speak a different language will also involve interacting with their culture (Betancur et al., 2020). Cultural awareness will allow us to relate better to people from different cultures. Effective communication, a greater sense of cultural connection, and less cultural conflict will be the result. Cultural bridges will replace cultural barriers. With it, we will learn how to love and appreciate individuals different from us (EasyLlama, 2021). 

Despite that this quiz has demonstrated to me that I am a culturally aware person, it has also allowed me to recognize that there are still things that I can improve on to help me when working with different communities. According to Betancur et al. (2020), the U.S. population has become more culturally, racially, and ethnically diverse, with 47 percent of immigrants aged five and older categorized as limited English proficient (LEP) in 2018. If these numbers are accurate, cultural awareness is now a necessary skill to have more than ever. We can establish a diverse corporate and personal culture that includes and allows everyone to feel like they belong by understanding people’s diversity in ethics, beliefs, values, and attitudes and creating cultural awareness. 

This skill can prove to come in handy not just in our daily lives but to apply when working with dissimilar communities. For example, a few weeks ago, I had the honor of assisting my preceptor to one of her clients’ homes to collect some mold samples. My first glance at the homeowner and mother lead to me erroneously assume that they were eastern European because they were light skinned, had light colored eyes and had a distinct broken English accent. But during a period where I was left alone with the homeowners mother, the lady kept repeating my name and began speaking to me in Spanish. I had to take a few moments and allow her words to sink in before I responded to her in Spanish to affirm that she was indeed speaking to me in Spanish. It turns out the homeowner and her mother were Colombians and were native Spanish speakers. 

After leaving their house, I realized that sometimes what we see or perceive in others is not what we assume at first. Our subconscious and deeply held values and ideas form a distorting screen through which we see the world. This could lead to insensitivity and inadvertent blindness to essential values to people from different cultures. We all need to become culturally aware to expose ourselves and observe and contact the cultures around us. By exposing ourselves to other cultures, we get the opportunity to interact with people who are different from us. Heightening cultural awareness in our lives can cause us to consciously observe and notice those things that may lead to misunderstandings and points of conflict (EasyLlama, 2021). It can lead us to communicate and help them more efficiently. Furthermore, it can lead to the recognition of people’s needs and access to resources and that it is necessary to provide high-quality and equitable care to those people (Betancur et al., 2020).


Betancur, S., Walton, A. L., Smith-Miller, C., Wiesen, C., & Bryant, A. L. (2020). Cultural Awareness: Ensuring high-quality care for limited English proficient patients. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 24(5), 530-537. 10.1188/20.CJON.530-537

EasyLlama. (2021). Importance Of Cultural Awareness In The Workplace: How To Become More Culturally Aware