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University of Cumberlands Information Governance for Social Media Paper

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This week we’re taking on a relatively new concept in Information Governance – the impact of Social Media. From the current cancel culture to anonymous complaints and outright lies being promoted as truth through Faceboook, Twitter, and all the rest, it’s a messy media arena to undertake with pitfalls everywhere for the organizations we represent as cybersecurity professionals. I can’t tell you what to do about responding to false narratives on social media. That’s up to your organizational leadership as to when and how to respond. We can help by building the infrastructure into our Program that manages what we know about social media and the things people are saying about us. These mass media giants are quick to respond to any allegations against them, but not always with the preparation and forethought regarding security. You must ensure that your accounts have strong and legal security controls applied. We’re going to get into that this week.