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San Diego State University Heroin Abuse in West Virginia Disscussion

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I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.

1) Read the article by Grossman (2016) and analyze the factors contributing to the current heroin epidemic that has been particularly devastating in rural areas. What are the implications for potential policy-making that might curtail drug use and addiction?https://ashecon.confex.com/ashecon/2016/webprogram…

***Use the GCU Library for sources (https://library.gcu.edu/

***Adler, F., Mueller, G. O. W., & Laufer, W. S. (2018). Criminology. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 978-0-07-814096-9

The DQ response must be at least 200 words and should have at least one reference in APA format

2) Write a 100-word response to each student in first person as if you were writing it to the students. Talk about how you agree with their ideas and add your own thoughts. Make sure it’s respectful.

The West Virginia agency heroin has increased over the years. Not only are they suffering from heroin usage but also overdose deaths. A “pill mill,” describes a doctor, clinic or pharmacy that is prescribing or dispensing powerful narcotics inappropriately for non-medical reasons. Reading more into a what a pill mill it opened my eyes to that there are a lot of ways an individual is able to obtain narcotics besides sold illegally. A policy that might help with this issue would be put a stop of getting individuals attached to the drug usage. With many individuals suffering from not having a job get more jobs out there for them to keep occupied. During the pandemic a lot of people did lose their job now they are struggling to get a job due to wanting to stay home. The best way to look at things would be to know what you’re doing for a living is for the good and better.


National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2021, July 1). Opioid overdose crisis. National Institute on Drug Abuse. https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/opioids/opioid-overdose-crisis.

Pia Malbran (2007.) What’s A Pill Mill? CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/whats-a-pill-mill/