Economics Homework Help
CUNY BMCC Macroeconomics Worksheet
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Answer all 50 questions
some of the questions is going to be in the attachments below. The rest of the questions is going to be sent to the person that is doing the assignments.
The questions are based off of chapters 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15
the rest of the questions will be posted in the message box.
These are not the questions, these are the reviews for the questions:
- Classical economics and stabilization policy
- Keynesian policy for a recession
- Factors that influence investment spending
- Definition, Components and Computation of GDP
- Policies to correct a recessionary gap
- Know everything about the aggregate demand curve including what cause it to shift
- Know everything about the aggregate supply curve including what cause it to shift
- Keynesian and Classical view about price and the aggregate supply curve
- Keynesian and Classical view about equilibrium using the aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves
- Recessionary and inflationary gaps
- Types of Unemployment: frictional, structural and cyclical
- Compute real GDP and the GDP deflator
- Compute GDP growth rate: real and nominal
- Rule of 70
- The convergence hypothesis
- Compute CPI and Inflation
- Per capita GDP
- Unemployment rate
- Factors influencing productivity growth
- Real and nominal values
- Gainers and losers of inflation