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SDSU Education and Teaching Discussion

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Option C: Lesson Planning Observation Reflection

*Please refer to rubric for grading information.

Plan to use the set of videos provided for everyone and your age range of your program (Childhood or Adolescent).

After the observation, reflect for yourself and write up


a.What did you notice about the co-teachers work together (specific models/strategies of co-teaching) and how it impacts learners, course materials, etc.…

  1. b.What recommendations do you have for improving the lesson/s? (ex., another course structure? materials? etc.…) Refer to the specific video as you discuss so I have the context.
  2. c.What would your next steps for these lesson/s or learners be? Refer to the specific video as you discuss so I have the context. Use course materials and rationale in terms of student learning to support your ideas using APA in text citations.

d.If this assignment was done in a partnership, a paragraph of reflection on the challenges and benefits of your experience with co-planning/collaborating on this experience which mimics some of a co-teaching relationship.

4. What did you learn from this observation experience? What further questions or concerns do you have about lesson planning and specifically co-planning for diverse learners?

(Length: 6-8 Full Pages Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages). Mark each section clearly.

Co-teaching Model Examples (everyone watch)

Videos for Observation: (Choose Childhood or Adolescent based on your program)

Childhood program students watch videos below:

General Education and Special Education Co-Teaching in Saint Paul Public Schools

Kindergarten ELA Lesson – Team teaching Model and then Parallel Group work:

2nd Grade Math Lesson – Team teaching and Station’s work: (you may need to register for this site to access)

Elementary ELA Lesson – Modified Parallel Teaching and Stations: (you may need to register for this site to access)