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Need an research paper on introduction to methodologies, building your business continuity planning in safety, security and emergency management. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on introduction to methodologies, building your business continuity planning in safety, security and emergency management. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. The questions that need to be addressed before the company faces such issues are. how much time will take to recover from the disaster, what is the impact of the disaster, what is the data loss and critical factors. The business organization includes any and all types of organization that provides products or services, either to individual customers or business entities. All of these organizations are equally exposed to the risk of being damaged by external and unforeseen sources.

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Business organizations today are surrounded by competition, these competition puts them under pressure cut costs, to increase efficiency and customer demands and to finish it all we need to have a backup for our business and the backup for the business is also called business continuity plan. These plans can be time-consuming and expensive at the same time. There are certain ways introduced to ensure that these targets can be met without much waste of the resources. Corporate Governance is considered one of the ways that can be implemented at reduced risk.

All businesses need to take extra care to protect their critical business operations and its resources. We would focus on the “After the Fire. First interstate bank, Los Angeles”. The case study was published in 1998 in California. The case study revolves around one of the most lethal fires that took place on the 5th May 1988. The fire took place in First Interstate Bank, which was a 62 story high building. The fire was able to destroy 5 stories. During the fire 1 one, the victims were killed and another 35 were injured. It was considered to be one of the most destructive high fires in the history of United States. During the fire, it took a total of 383 members of the fire department from 64 different companies in fighting the fire.