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I need some assistance with these assignment. psychological case study Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. psychological case study Thank you in advance for the help! Client Presentation The client is neatly dressed in her school uniform when she comes for counselling. She comes on time for each session and never missed an appointment. She was able to sustain her attention, maintained eye contact and displayed a cooperative attitude towards the counsellor. The client described her low mood and sadness due to the passing away of her grandmother. She has difficulty expressing her emotions but claims to be ‘feeling very very sad and missing her grandmother”. She was orientated to time and date and setting. Her speech was clear. No perceptual deficits were noticed . The form and content of her thoughts were assessed as appropriate. No immediate risk was noticed. She appeared to be intelligent. Problem Situation The client has difficulty expressing her deep emotions and feelings about the passing away of grandmother. She have told several times that she is “feeling very very sad” and badly misses her grandmother. She narrated that she has lost her interest in doing things that she previously enjoys such as hanging out with friends after school, and participating in ballet and art classes. The client also stated to becoming easily frustrated and angry and would rather stay at her room alone and cry. Relevant Client History Development and Family history The client is an only child. From her infancy ,she has always been left under the care of her grandmother, as both of her parents are both working on full time basis. Her grandmother lives with them in their family home. Interpersonal Relationship The client is reportedly to be much closer to her grandmother than to her own parents.She used to hang out with friend’? after school to do homework and together and play afterwards. But after, the death of her grandmother the client reported that she has been keeping herself in her room and refuses to talk even to her parents and friends. Psychiatric History The client reported no previous psychiatric history. Discussion of Evidence Based Theories Grief also known as bereavement. It is a profound sadness following a major loss of a loved one (Kaplan and Sadock,1996). According to John Colby it has 4 stages 1. Numbness or Protest – clients are characterized by distress, fear and anger. It could last from moments to months. 2. Yearning and searching for the lost figure – clients are pre occupied with thoughts of the lost person and are usually angry, restless and crying. This may last for several months. 3. Disorganization and despair – client are restless, withdrawn, irritable and repeatedly reliving memories with the deceased. 4. Reorganization – clients start to establish new patterns of goals, grief had recede and is replaced with cherished memories with the loss person. (Kaplan and Sadock,1996). The theories most suitable for this client were Cognitive Bahavioral Therapy (CBT) and Narrative Therapy (NT). The Studies shows that CBT is an effective goal oriented psychotherapy and successful in treating behavioural problems, as it teaches techniques to correct unhealthy thinking patterns and attitudes resulting to painful memories. Narrative therapy on the other hand, provides space for clients to retell their stories.

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