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Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic Returning to School. Running head: RETURNING TO SCHOOL Returning to School This paper explores the reasons for returning to school and the changes in

Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic Returning to School. Running head: RETURNING TO SCHOOL Returning to School This paper explores the reasons for returning to school and the changes in the way of life that are needed for an individual to fit in the institutional setting. It also focuses on the barriers to successful achievement of good results and the strategies that an individual needs to put in place to surmount these obstacles. Emphasis is also put in the non academic factors that might affect a student’s pursuit of a university degree. Jackson (2011) states that due to the economic recession and subsequent lack of jobs, students are returning to school to become more competitive. They therefore return to school to polish old skills and to learn new and up-to-date practical skills.

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I am going back to school to be personally satisfied i.e. my lifetime ambition to achieve a university degree is one of forces that made me reverse the decision of not going back to school. Also as role model to my children, I made the decision for them to see how important it is to stay in school and to attain quality college education. The inferior feeling when I am with my peers at the workplace or in a social joint also contributed to my decision. Most of them are more educated than I am and going back to school boosts my self confidence.

Education improves one’s skills and knowledge. this therefore implies that after completing my college education, I will be able to get a better position that pays well. This will enable me to meet expenses and ensure my family leads a better life. Going back to school brings the enchantment of learning something new daily while offering me the opportunity to reconnect with myself thereby giving me the chance to investigate, unearth and construct new ideas and concepts. It also encourages scholarly growth by creating responsiveness that utilizes the fallow aptitude in the brain.

Since I like merriment and hanging out, I will have to take a break and focus on my education in order to achieve the targets I set at the onset. I will as a result have more time thereby improving my performance. I have to stay focused, regimented and goaded to productively pursue the course. Some of the obstacles of returning to school include lack of time because of the official and familial errands, lack of funds to finance my education and the belief that I am too old to continue with my education.

Since returning to school is a dream that I have to achieve, I have to find strategies to eliminate the barriers that might hinder my success. Some strategies include. developing a plan that is followed and constantly updated for smooth transition from one chore to another, seeking advice from professionals, facing the obstacles and being lithe to various situations that can crop up from time to time. I already appreciate the fact that schooling at an advanced age can prove to be quite a challenge but with this awareness, it is easy to lay viable plans towards successful completion of the college degree.


Jackson, A. (2011). Why I decided to return to school. London: Chapman and Hall.