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Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic Walt Whitman and Cady Stanton.
Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic Walt Whitman and Cady Stanton. The staggering differences as painted by Whitman tend to provide the audience with another version of United States. While in the view of a common person, United States may sound united, the fact is that the states tend to be different. The regionalism provides varied rights for instance, to the states. For instance, the white population is the major occupant of United States offices. Literally, the white population is ruling the black population. Like a poem, which can be written by various artists, the nation has fragments that sound to be poetic. The lenses through which Whitman viewed the American society seem to have a similar bearing to the Cady Stanton’s Declaration of Sentiments. In the Stanton’s declaration, the glaring differences between women and men are eminent. Stanton argued that women withstand the worst of the society. Before a man, a woman does not have equal rights yet in the face of American spirit, the nation seems to be one. The societal differences that deprive rights of pockets of people, for example, women or the black tend to point on the Whitman view American society. It is a society beaming with varied teams, states, people, yet each of them tend to complain about its state, advance their own values, as well as call for laws that would favor their own interest. The commonality that seems to appear between the Whitman’s assertions and the Stanton’s declaration is that the structure of American politics tends to deprive a given component of its state rights. Specifically, the declaration is an agitation about the depravation of women rights by the American society. The statement “Here are the roughs and beards and space and ruggedness and nonchalance that the soul loves” seems to address the historical injustices and differences that makes up the American society. As evident in the declaration, no one is at peace with the structure of the society. The statement “He has withheld from her rights which are given to the most ignorant and degraded men, both natives and foreigners” (Stanton) paints the state of the American society. Each side of the divide tends to push for favors that would suit its interest. By considering the state laws in each state, one is able to see the different faces of the American society. Some of the states tend have advanced rights of women for example, whereas other states are yet to advance similar rights. The fact that the American society is a conglomeration of varied entities, brought together by the constitution does not mean that these entities share the same views or enjoy the same rights. The tyrannical laws that deprive women of the rights, the subjective laws that limits the freedom of a black and other features of American society makes United State a great poem. The attachment of American people to freedom is a concern that Whitman seems to focus on. For example, “their deathless attachment to freedom—their aversion to anything indecorous or soft or mean” (Whitman 3) seems to send a different signal about what the common society would want to believe about the values of United States. In the declaration, the attachment to freedom forms the basis of the declaration. The society has undermined the liberties of some of his subject. While the declaration focused on women, Whitman seems to paint the same state by giving a general picture of the American nation (1).