Law Homework Help

Defining the Problem The first step in creating your project is to identify the problem  you intend to explore. For this assignment, you will draft your problem  and research question. This assignment

Defining the Problem

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The first step in creating your project is to identify the problem  you intend to explore. For this assignment, you will draft your problem  and research question. This assignment will be considered as the  foundation for your entire project.

In a 2- to 3-page document, respond to the following:

  • Identify the general problem you have selected for exploration and  define it in a statement. For example, the topic on postrelease  employment might generate a problem statement such as “Upon release from  prison, offenders face severe difficulties securing legitimate  employment, which can lead to recidivism or a reliance on public  assistance.”
  • Create at least one research question that focuses on a specific  aspect of the problem. This research question will be the question that  your research project seeks to answer. For example, a general interest  in the rehabilitation of prison inmates might lead to a focused research  question such as “Does participation in prison-based technical training  programs improve an offender’s opportunities for postrelease  employment?” Consider the feedback that you received during the  discussion as it may help you refine your general area of interest into  an appropriate question that can be examined.
  • Briefly describe how you would proceed to find an answer to your  research question. Is there data already published that can help? Are  there programs or policies already in existence that can be analyzed?  Does new data need to be collected or a new program implemented? In the  prison rehabilitation example, you might find that innovative  job-training programs are in place in some prisons, allowing you the  opportunity to examine the effectiveness of an existing program.

Cite all sources using APA format on a separate page.