Article Writing Homework Help
Write 8 pages with APA style on The relationship between SC35 and E2F1 in the apoptotic response of head and neck cancer cells following cisplatin treatment.
Write 8 pages with APA style on The relationship between SC35 and E2F1 in the apoptotic response of head and neck cancer cells following cisplatin treatment. The impact of head and neck cancers on the health care system can be gauged by the fact that each year almost 500,000 new cases of head and neck cancers occur globally, with almost two thirds of the cases occurring in developing nations (Marur &. Forastiere, 2008. Lung, Tascau, Almasan, &. Muresan, 2007). There are several risk factors for the development of head and neck cancer but amongst those, the most important are tobacco use and alcohol consumption (Forastiere, Koch, Trotti, &. Sidransky, 2001). Studies have revealed that the consumption of tobacco and alcohol has the strongest association with these cancers and these factors have a synergistic effect in the causation of head and neck cancers (Leemans, Braakhuis, &. Brakenhoff, 2011). It has been found that tobacco usage increases the risk of developing head and neck cancer from five to up to twenty five-fold (Marur &. Forastiere, 2008). Moreover, the use of both tobacco and alcohol leads to a forty times greater risk for these cancers (Marur &. Forastiere, 2008).