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CIS 3600 – Systems Analysis and Design Assignment #2 – Developing a Use Case Diagram Due Time/Date: (See Section 4 of this Document) 1. Objective: In this assignment you are asked to use Microsoft Vi
CIS 3600 – Systems Analysis and Design Assignment #2 – Developing a Use Case Diagram Due Time/Date: (See Section 4 of this Document)
1. Objective: In this assignment you are asked to use Microsoft Visio 2013 to develop a Use Case Diagram (UCD) that will capture all necessary “use cases” that can be identified in the following mini case in support of the day-to-day operations of a gas station with a 24 x7 convenient store. Note that you shall apply your knowledge/skills learned from the lecture and the eBook (i.e., UML DeMystified – a selfteaching guide by Kimmel, Chapters 1-2, available at WMU D2L Course web site). You may also want to read further explanation about the Use Case Diagram in Appendix 7A to complete your use case diagram.
2. A Mini Case about the business needs of a 24 X 7 Gas Station Consider a 24×7 convenient store in a gas station that is located nearby your residential area. A customer stops by the gas station, and one or several things will be completed by a customer. A set of brief scenarios (descriptions of a customer’s actions) are provided below: A) Drive in a vehicle and fill some gasoline. The first thing, the customer will need to make a payment. As of today, most gas stations provide customers options, either pay at the pump using a credit card, or pay cash inside before pumping the gas. A customer may choose to pay at the pump, then a credit card will be used; or, he/she may choose to pay inside the store. If the cash option is chosen, then it can be completed by one of three possible options: pay by cash, pay by check, or pay by credit card. Note that if a credit card is used, then it will first be validated by a third-party service. Once a payment is made, then customer will be allowed to pump the gas (i.e., Pump the gas). Then, the customer will have three possible options: Select regular gas, Select premium gas, and Select diesel. When gas is filled, the customer will be given an inquiry – Generate a receipt (or not), which depends on a customer’s decision. B) Get munchies (i.e., coffee, beef jerks, a six-pack of beers, etc.) sold inside the store. The customer will get all desired items and walk to the casher to make a payment. As noted above, a customer will have three possible options to make a payment. Note that there is no required precedence between Get munchies and Make a payment. In addition to the above, each convenient sore is often staffed with a manager and some cashiers. A cashier is in charge of two major things: A) Process business transactions for any customer who come to the store to buy goods. During the checkout process, a customer will be asked if he/she wants a receipt. If yes, then the cashier will provide a receipt to the customer (i.e., Generate a receipt). B). Collect the payment from a customer – whether buying goods or filling gasoline, or both. Again, a customer will choose one of three possible options to pay, i.e., Pay by cash, Pay by check, or Pay by credit card to complete the process. Lastly, a store manager is in charge of the management of the gas station. He/she will handle two major tasks: A) Place purchase order to replenish any inventory that is low in the store; and B) Generate sales report periodically for all goods sold in the store (including different types of gasoline). During the report generation process, at the manager’s demand, a detailed Sales Analysis may also be produced (i.e., Produce detailed analysis). If a detailed analysis is requested by the manager, then two possible options are available – Report analysis on each weekday or Report analysis on each goods. These detailed reports will provide manager with more information in managing the convenient store.
3. General Guideline in Preparing Your Use Case Diagram 1) You shall complete the reading assignment before you start to draw your Use Case Diagram. To limit the scope of use case analysis, you are asked to consider only three major user groups (i.e., users of the Use Case) for this mini case. Note that you shall focus on the systems requirements from each actor’s
viewpoint, rather than on the “sequential or logical order” of each step (need) occurs during the business processes.
2). Your diagram should employ the following symbols: Stick figure (i.e., an actor) Use Case (an oval symbol) Connection (i.e., association – a solid line) Include Extend Generalization (a solid line with an empty arrow head)
4. Final Deliverable: In the end of your assignment, you are expected to produce the following:
1. An electronic Microsoft Visio file that contains all details of your Use Case Diagram. Also, please do add the following text in your subject line in your email:
Subj: CIS3600 – Assignment #2
Note: The above electronic Visio file shall be sent to the instructor’s email account before the midnight of September 25, 2019.
2. A word document with a cover page (retrievable from the course website) and the following components: a. A snapshot of your complete Use Case diagram b. All assumptions (itemize each of them) that you have made before you finalize your drawing of the Use Case Diagram (Note that, in a use case diagram you may address multiple actors (i.e., users), and each actor may be associated with one or several “use cases,” depending on the actual information provided by the case. In real world, a Use Case Diagram may contain 5 to 20 use cases. c. A simple “scenario description,” i.e., one paragraph description about each actor ahis/her connection to associated activities (use cases in the diagram) (see Pages 30-31(attached screenshot) of Chapter 2 in UML DeMystified – a self-teaching guide)
A hard copy of a Word document shall be turned in to the instructor in the beginning of the class