Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article What is Poverty, Youth Crime and Social Exclusion. The work is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article What is Poverty, Youth Crime and Social Exclusion. The work is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. This has caused a very significant impact on human psychology. With the rapid advancement in the fields of science and technology, man has realized that there is much to achieve in a limited time period. This realization of man is backed up by the inborn quest for power, fame, and money. Accordingly, man is doing all that would earn him a secure future and a high social class and financial status. This combination of demand and supply has given rise to various social abnormalities that were quite less to be observed in a technologically backward world of the past. These social evils include but are not limited to the social exclusion of an individual, status consciousness, stress, anxiety, and crime. There are numerous factors that interact in a number of ways to cause the moral degradation of society in general and its youth in particular. Rather it is a chain of events that results in such a psychological setback. The following text will analyze how various social factors interact to cause the three main evils of social exclusion, poverty, and youth crime and the link between the three terms will be justified. Besides, the following text will draw a critical analysis of the way the three terms have been linked by philosophers in the past.

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There is a very strong link between youth crime, poverty, and social exclusion. It would be appropriate to define the terms of social exclusion, poverty and youth crime and compare the various definitions for these terms as identified by various agencies in the past, before making an in-depth analysis of the way the three social evils are bonded together.

(Dixon and Macarov, 1998) consider the “capacity to survive” as the least requirement to measure poverty, beyond that, it is much more than just poverty. Their definition of poverty is as follows, “In its narrowest sense this may mean nothing more than having the resources to purchase or grow sufficient& for oneself and one’s dependants.” (Dixon and Macarov, 1998, p.4).&nbsp.