Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on video games for children Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on video games for children Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! In earlier days, when children did not have video games to play with, they often spent time playing outside their homes, with their friends and family members. They spent time reading and inculcating various hobbies and habits that helped them to pass time as well as develop varied interests in different fields. Video games had never been a part of that period or culture for people. A few games did begin to develop with the advent of the 90s but during that time they were far too expensive to be affordable by the common man. It was for this reason that parents and children alike were able to spend time together and interact with each other. As video games started becoming a part of children’s’ lives, parents began to complain that children were not giving them enough time, or putting in much effort into their homework from school. (Norcia, Andrea)
Video games popularized themselves in the 90s with a number of games like Super Mario and Tetris forming the lead into taking children into the virtual world. Instead of running around and gaining some physical exercise, children now began to move joysticks sitting in one place for hours at an end, making the characters within the game run and jump around. Today, there are millions of different video games produced all around the world as children have become completely addicted to playing them in an attempt to reach higher levels every time.