Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, need to submit a 3000 words paper on the topic Branding Analysis. Consumers identify a brand’s distinctive capabilities based on their perceptions that have themselves been created by the marketer

Hi, need to submit a 3000 words paper on the topic Branding Analysis. Consumers identify a brand’s distinctive capabilities based on their perceptions that have themselves been created by the marketers over a period of time. A genuine brand is “the internalized sum of all the impressions received by the customers and consumers resulting in a distinctive position in their mind’s eye based on perceived emotional and functional benefits” (Knapp).

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Attributes: Attributes are things that usually speak about the product. A brand usually conveys attributes of the product in order to inform existing customers and at the same time attract new potential customers. For example, the attributes of Raymond’s suits are stylish, fashionable and modern and stitched of high quality premium clothing.

Benefits: In order for a brand to be successful in the market, it is necessary that the product attributes eventually transform into both emotional and functional benefits of the same. If the same example of Raymond’s suits which was mentioned above is considered attributes like style and fashion will transform into emotional benefits and the quality of clothing will transform into functional benefits.