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Write a 7 pages paper on the rise of obesity in america. This essay “The Rise of Obesity in America” outlines the reasons, consequences and the possible research of this problem. In order to reach a w

Write a 7 pages paper on the rise of obesity in america. This essay “The Rise of Obesity in America” outlines the reasons, consequences and the possible research of this problem. In order to reach a wide audience International Journal of Obesity is published where the recent medical studies are discussed. Also, the problem of obesity is debated by many other medical journals like Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology or Nature Genetics. To solve the problem of obesity scientists discuss the causes of it and possible methods to prevent it. It seems that all those issues have been debated for decade, but the statistical results are not comforting.

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Another layer of literature, which involves popular magazines and newspapers, addresses the problem of obesity from the social point of view. It discusses the causes of obesity and gives some tips to prevent it, but in general it represents unscientific view on this problem. The aim of this layer of literature is to familiarize wide audience with obesity problem avoiding medical and scientific terminology. Among the popular studies of this type is “Lifespan: Who Lives Longer and Why? written by T.J. Moore in 1993.

The hypothesis is that families with high income have a possibility to buy and eat healthier fat free food in contrast to low-income families which are used to buy lower-price fat saturated food. That is why more blue collars suffer form obesity than white collars. Families with high income usually visit more expensive bars and restaurants where they order fat free dishes, but the popular place for low income people is fast food restaurants.

The effect of fast food on risk of obesity is tremendous. It was proved that fast-food habits have strong, positive, and independent associations with weight gain and insulin resistance in young people.

Methodology Research has two primary objectives. firstly, to build new knowledge, and secondly, to disseminate that knowledge and raise awareness of its potential applications. Knowledge created but not shared has no value. Ultimately, academic research should lead to practical outcomes that are useful to the profession and society at large.