Business & Finance Homework Help
Project: Activity- Research Country- Company-Product- Trade- Research Project Part E – 50 points (1800-2000 words) ONLY WORD DOCUMENTS are accepted for this project as TURNITIN cannot evaluate othe
Project: Activity- Research Country- Company-Product- Trade-
Research Project Part E – 50 points (1800-2000 words)
ONLY WORD DOCUMENTS are accepted for this project as TURNITIN cannot evaluate other file formats. (Your score cannot exceed 23% on the originality check, if it does, it will not be graded)
MLA Essay format, include all bibliography and references. Include this sheet as cover sheet. Use Calibri Font 11. (Links to an external site.)
Grammar and spelling are part of the grade. Please, use the Writing Center if needed.
Title: Please, include the name of your country, name of the company and the product you have selected as the title
Data Resources: Use only resources that have been validated either by the government, a legitimate industry journal, erudite author, or an educational institution. See Legitimate Resources Guidelines. DO NOT USE THE TEXTBOOK as a reference for this assignment.
Regional Integration and Political economy:
Please use these questions to guide the flow of your essay. The content of your narrative must be substantive:
- What is your selected country’s foreign trade policy? What is their strategic trade policy?
- What trade barriers challenge this country?
- Are they affected by any trade sanctions or embargos? How, explain
- How do local content regulations affect the product you are recommending for distribution?
- Is your country a member of the WTO? How does it benefit the country, or is it a drawback? Explain
- Any other implications or considerations that could potentially impact trade with the USA?
- Is this country part of a regional block? Please explain what the advantages and/or disadvantages of this region might imply in trade.
Grading Criteria – Research Paper
Introduction — You have clearly developed an effective introduction to your research paper. The background is set and the thesis statement is clearly defined.
Organization of Ideas –Your ideas are clearly expressed and articulated. Transitions between paragraphs move the reader easily from one idea to the next. You have accurately analyzed the relationship between the resources, your ideas and the topic selected
Synthesis of Ideas — Political Economy- You have clearly identified and analyzed the application and implications of the country’s foreign trade policies and regulations – sanctions and embargos -etc
Synthesis of Ideas – Regional Integration – You have clearly explain the implication of regional integration, advantages and disadvantages that affect the country of choice
Mechanics 1 – Your paper is free of grammatical and spelling errors
Mechanics 2 – You have effectively used MLA format and legitimate sources of information. Bibliography and Assignment page are included.
Font is Calibri 11 and you have met the minimum number of words required **