Article Writing Homework Help
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on mot. In order to help unmotivated students, a process called attribution retraining is employed that involves modeling, socialization and practice e
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on mot. In order to help unmotivated students, a process called attribution retraining is employed that involves modeling, socialization and practice exercises among others. Moreover, other potentially helpful practices can be incorporated such as portraying effort as investment rather than risk, portraying skill development as incremental and domain specific and always focus of mastery.
During early childhood development, children express their concern through curiosity and explore new things. However, as children grow, their psychosocial environment influences their learning behavior and learning frequency. Many children though physically present in the classroom remain absent mentally. They do not want to invest their mind and energy towards learning things. It is therefore, important for educators to first understand students’ attitudes and beliefs towards learning and then help minimize students’ lack of concern.
Understanding student motivation is very important. In simple terms, it can be defined as the students’ desire to participate in a specific task. However, it is also directly associated with students’ academic achievement. Students can get motivated in two ways: intrinsically and extrinsically. In the former case, motivation comes from rewards inherent to a task. However, extrinsically motivated students perform task to avoid punishment such as grades, teacher approval, etc.
However, the phrase, motivation to learn is mainly associated with academic achievement. It does not matter whether the task is intrinsically or extrinsically motivated or not. Well, there are various factors that influence student motivation including modeling, communication, instruction, socialization, etc. In addition, home environment also shapes the students’ attitudes and beliefs towards learning.