History Homework Help

HUM1001  Art History: Prehistory to the Middle Ages W2 Project  Exploring the Art and Architecture of the Ancient Near East (Mesopotamia) and the Art from the Ancient Aegean. Part 1- The Art of the An


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Art History: Prehistory to the Middle Ages

W2 Project 

Exploring the Art and Architecture of the Ancient Near East (Mesopotamia) and the Art from the Ancient Aegean.

Part 1- The Art of the Ancient Near East (Mesopotamia)

Example 1

[Insert image 1]



Place of origin:

Detailed Description:

Historical Value:

How does this image prove or disprove the statement about the nature of art from this region, “It has been suggested that the art from the ancient Near East often contains elements that can be seen as fearsome, militant, and/or political in nature”?

Example 2

[Insert image 2]



Place of origin:

Detailed Description:

Historical Value:

How does this image prove or disprove the statement about the nature of art from this region, “It has been suggested that the art from the ancient Near East often contains elements that can be seen as fearsome, militant, and/or political in nature”?

Example 3

[Insert image 3]



Place of origin:

Detailed Description:

Historical Value:

How does this image prove or disprove the statement about the nature of art from this region, “It has been suggested that the art from the ancient Near East often contains elements that can be seen as fearsome, militant, and/or political in nature”?

Part 2- The Art of the Ancient Aegean

Example 1

[Insert image 1]



Place of origin:

Detailed Description:

Historical Value:

How does this image prove or disprove the statement about the nature of art from this region, “It has been suggested that the art from the ancient Aegean often contains elements that can be seen as harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening”?

Example 2

[Insert image 2]



Place of origin:

Detailed Description:

Historical Value:

How does this image prove or disprove the statement about the nature of art from this region, “It has been suggested that the art from the ancient Aegean often contains elements that can be seen as harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening”?

Example 3

[Insert image 3]



Place of origin:

Detailed Description:

Historical Value:

How does this image prove or disprove the statement about the nature of art from this region, “It has been suggested that the art from the ancient Aegean often contains elements that can be seen as harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening”?