Article Writing Homework Help

The Supply Chain Council was formed to standardize the discussions and management of supply chain operations. It developed the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model to describe, model, and be

The Supply Chain Council was formed to standardize the discussions and management of supply chain operations. It developed the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model to describe, model, and benchmark all operations within a supply chain. You can find information about the latest model (SCOR 11) on the Supply Chain Council Web site. 

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SCOR 11 differs from the previous model (SCOR 10) by elevating to a level of primary importance a process called “Enable,” which refers to what organizations must do to support the other primary processes. However, for the purposes of our discussion of supply chains, this new process is not of particular interest.

Briefly address each of the following bullets:

  • Read, from chapter 1 and 2 (ATTACHED),      the sections entitled “The Supply Chain Council” and “The      SCOR Framework” in the book Supply Chain Excellence in South University’s      online library. Discuss the SCOR model’s five functions (Plan, Source,      Make, Deliver, and Return) that are shared by supply chains. Does every      supply chain contain all of these five functions?
  • When producing goods,      different production strategies, such as “make to order,”      “make to stock,” “assemble to order,” or      “engineer to order” can be pursued. However, when providing      services (car washing, hair styling, etc.), not all of these strategies      can be pursued. An organization cannot really “stock” services      (in other words, you can’t have five car washes sitting on a shelf in the      same way you can have five cans of soup sitting on a shelf). Do the stages      of the SCOR model apply to operations in all of these areas (goods      producing vs. service provision, and using any of the production      strategies)? Search the Internet for a company and discuss which of these      approaches (goods producing or service providing) and which of the production      strategies the company’s operations fit in. Support your response on the      basis of the SCOR model and your research.
  • In 2011, Japan      experienced an earthquake, resulting in a tsunami. These natural disasters      caused a great deal of damage and a significant loss of life. From a      supply chain and operations management chain perspective, what were the      implications for SCOR processes? Which of the SCOR model’s five processes      discussed above would have been impacted by such an event? Should planning      for future events like this impact the strategy of a company? Support your      response with your research.

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

Your posting should be about 1 page (400 to 500 words) in length.

Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two peers and state whether you agree or disagree with their views.

Chapter 1-2 is attached,