Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic The Implications of Investor Behaviour on Corporate Strategy.
Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic The Implications of Investor Behaviour on Corporate Strategy. In fact, there are many indications that the specific process had a major role in the financial crisis of 2007-2010. Its potential involvement in a new crisis of such kind cannot be rejected. The current paper examines the role of the financialization process in the banking crisis of 2007-2010. Moreover, the potential relationship of the pursuit of shareholder value and the ‘new economy boom’ with the process of financialization is also explored. The examination of the literature published on the specific field has led to the assumption that the relationship between the above-mentioned events and frameworks is strong. At the next level, another issue is also discussed: the level at which investor behavior can influence corporate strategy and performance. It is proved that the involvement of shareholder value in corporate strategy and performance can be significantly influencing corporate decisions on critical issues, as for example the strategies that the firm will follow for facing the expansion of financialization, as a global economic trend.
Financialization, as a sociological and economic trend, is not a recent phenomenon. In fact, in accordance with Orhangazi (2008), three phases can be identified in the development of financialization: the first one represents the pre-1980 period during which financialization was based on a ‘long waves approach’ (Arrighi 1994 in Orhangazi 2008, p.41). In the years that followed in 1980, the financialization was related to the concept of neoliberalism (Orhangazi 2008). Recently, financialization has been related to the global financial markets (Orhangazi 2008). The view of Lucarelli (2011) that “financialization is related to capitalism’ (Lucarelli, 2011, p.111) seems to be the most effective description of financialization, as a trend influencing the performance of the global financial system. On the other hand, Krippner (2011) refers to financialization as the ‘growing importance of financial activities as a source of profits in the economy’ (Krippner 2011, p.27).