Management Homework Help
1. what aspect of David’s experience suggest that he is following a protean or boundary-less career?
1. what aspect of David’s experience suggest that he is following a protean or boundary-less career?
(10 points )
2. what human resource management initiatives could be introduced at the new finance and insurance company that David has joined to assist in his career development? (10 points )
Contemporary Issues and Challenges in HRMan instant hit with his new clients, as they were impressed with hisknowledge and experience. DEF offered flexible work arrangementsincluding variable work schedules to their employees to accommodateboth their brokers’ as well as their clients’ needs. David enjoyed the optionof working from home on certain days to avoid distractions, and was evenable to structure his time so that he could collect his children from schooleach day. In addition, David found that he could manage his time moreeffectively by completing all of his processing work early in the morning,which was when he worked best. In terms of remuneration, David wasnow receiving a similar base salary to his previous role, however in hiscurrent role as an insurance broker he was also eligible for commissions oneach sale that he made. This was a rewarding incentive to increase salesthat he had not previously enjoyed. In his previous role David had avoidedtraining and development programmes as he thought they were a bit of awaste of time. He thought he was too old to learn new skills, and he hadalready risen to a fairly senior level within the organisation and wascomfortable at that level. David now regularly attends professionaldevelopment programmes and industry conferences in his new role, as hesees them as valuable opportunities to further develop and refine his skillsas well as a chance to establish important networking contacts.After three fulfilling and successful years as an insurance broker, Davidbecame aware of a fantastic new opportunity for a sales training managerwith a new company establishing a finance and insurance business. Withsuch an excellent sales and customer service record, well-developedpresentation skills and strong previous management experience, hesucceeded in securing the role. David couldn’t believe what a difference achange in career had made to his life and how much he now enjoyed hiswork. Having originally worked in an organisation that he thought hewould be with for life that had a very rigid organisational structure andfairly traditional values, he was now in a position that he loved withflexible working arrangements in a progressive and dynamic industryWritten by: Ross Donohue