Article Writing Homework Help
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on trading places: supporting marxs commodity fetishism.
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on trading places: supporting marxs commodity fetishism. “The Marxian view starts with the observation that ideological views tend to reflect economic power, and thus believes that one should not treat ideas as simple ideas, but rather one should understand them as emanations of financial interests. It does not, however, treat the holders of those views as insincere. Some people, of course, are insincere in their views. But this is relatively minor. More broadly, one has a kind of self-deception. People are more open to views that are congenial to their interests. Even more important, ideas are more likely to gain wide currency when they are in line with the interests of powerful economic actors” (Yglesias, 2005). Thus, many of the films that come out of Hollywood tend to reflect the glamorous, comfortable aspect of life that can only be obtained by acquiring a high degree of material wealth or the struggle to attain this status, reinforcing the idea that the only way to live is to have a great deal of wealth and that without it, life is not worth living. This message is so prevalent that it is not even questioned in most circles, but rather exists as a fundamental belief of the prevailing culture. Even films that seem designed solely for entertainment purposes, such as Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd’s Trading Places, can work in subtle ways to maintain and promote the existing power relations within society. .
Marx’s theory of ideology included a great deal of thought on the disparity between the essence of capitalism as it compared or contrasted with the reality of .capitalism. . According to Cohen (2000), the essence of capitalism consists of the fact that the expenditure of labor creates economic value in proportion to the amount of labor expended, but workers do not receive the entire value of what they produce. . .