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Need help with my writing homework on Call me Woman by Ellen Kuzwayo. Write a 1000 word paper answering;
Need help with my writing homework on Call me Woman by Ellen Kuzwayo. Write a 1000 word paper answering; There are many primary arguments that are presented evidently in this book, and its place in the literary world and its significance is truly great and powerful, and in many different regards at that. In order to be able to properly analyze and be critical of this work, we need to focus on the key points that are presented in the book itself, as well as compare it with other work in the field, in order to get the best grasp in this matter possible.
For example we can begin with the first section of the book, in which Kuzwayo describes blatantly the conditions in Soweto, where she is actually a community leader, and during this part we can see how truly different this book is made from any other like it. She speaks of real life instances, which is what truly sets this book apart from other work in this particular field, and rather than just getting either a history of South Africa or a history of Kuzwayo’s life, we instead get both, and each helps the other out incredibly in regards to making it easier for the reader to understand, and more interesting to follow. The second part of the book is still necessary and interesting, however this part is more about her telling her life in a detailed manner and there is not much information in regards to South Africa, however we do need this part in order for the book to make sense overall. in order to be able to truly understand and be critical on the living conditions of South Africa at the time, it is important to make note of her life, and of what she went through, of her feelings, and so on. She traces her own life history in this section in a very detailed manner, and it is here where we learn about how she was born into a very prosperous rural home and how she was educated in mission schools, which we find out later on is incredibly significant to this work overall. As well, this section carries on to tell us how Kuzwayo ended up training as a social worker and how she followed that up by working with the YWCA, which is a women’s membership movement that strives to create opportunities for women’s growth, leadership and power in order to attain a common vision – to eliminate racism and empower women. This is another incredibly important issue of the book, as throughout this work we clearly see how against racism Kuzwayo is as well as how hard she strived throughout her life to help in regards to this in any way that she could. When we compare this issue and how it is acted out on in this book compared to other works such as this, we can respect this book that much more, as instead of bringing the issue of racism and unfair treatment of women down in a more forward and intimidating way, Kuzwayo instead uses her own life experiences and her own passions to tell about it and to explain how she tried to help out and what else can and needs to be done in this regards.
We can see the progress that she made in this regards, as she speaks vibrantly of her experiences in social work as well as how her work with young people especially resulted in leading to her increased community involvement and a serious commitment to change.