Article Writing Homework Help
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Gibbs Cycle Used to Facilitate Learning. It needs to be at least 1250 words.
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Gibbs Cycle Used to Facilitate Learning. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The student displayed the use of “Bandura (1977 cited in Quinn 1997) Social Learning” to address this skill. Social learning occurs when an individual learns something by observing another person doing it, called “learning by modelling” (Quinn 1997).
A teaching plan was developed indicating the methods to be used to attain the skill (Appendix 2). And, the student had an opportunity to learn when she was placed within an Accident and Emergency Department. If the learning environment is not of an optimum standard then it can inhibit the whole learning process (Boud 1988).
An initial assessment was completed prior to the student performing the targeted skill so that the level of prior knowledge was documented in advance. The student then moved on to the practical aspect of their learning. In gaining this background information the student’s perception will go from thinking they are dependent on the teacher to becoming dependent upon themselves. This is because it encourages the student to be actively responsible for their own learning rather than taking a passive role (Welsh & Swann 2002). It is a motivator for the student to learn and develop their confidence and the ability to become a critical thinker (Morgan 2005). After having the opportunity to integrate both theory and practice in a teaching session they then became a competent practitioner (Morgan 2005). For the student, the best way of translating theory into practice is to be receptive to learning within a practical setting (Hinchliff 1999). Skinner’s theory that practical learning can be strengthened is a behaviourist approach to stimulus and response (1954).