Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on private network extranet Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on private network extranet Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Consequently, sharing of information may minimize cost and time of meetings and conferences. Furthermore, the dynamic modification of data is possible, it means who ever connects to the extranet, will receive updated information. As the University interacts with the customers, Extranet will improve relationships with customers and is a plus for competitive advantage. However, extranet requires a significant cost for implementation and maintenance afterwards. In order to become a PCI DSS complaint, University must adhere to the required accepted level of security. In order to synchronize and manage customer data within the business processes of the internal staff, ‘customer relationship management’ system is required. In addition, for processing order online, an e-commerce system is required with strict compliance and security measures.
As new innovative technologies are inventing in the Information Technology domain, possibilities of new hacking methods are also originating with new approaches. The threats consisting of virus, malicious codes, unauthorized remote access, unauthorized access to domains and classified data, intrudes in the network from a security loophole. The most common security prevention from these attacks is firewall. Firewall can be hardware based or software based. Firewall is the first point of contact for data packets that pass through or from the network. Moreover, there are service disruptions attacks including software bugs and buffer overflows on the information systems, which may downgrade their performance resulting in network congestion and complete system or network failure. The University is facing severe issues related to viruses. In order to prevent these issues, intrusion detection system (IDS) is essential. The more advanced form of attacks involves Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.