Economics Homework Help
Question form Homework assignment Question 49 – All the firms in an industry will be of
Question form Homework assignment
Question 49 – All the firms in an industry will be of
roughly the same size in which of the following circumstances?
Select economies of scale are continuous and never disappear as your answer
A. economies of scale are continuous and never disappear
Select minimum efficient scale is small relative to the size of the market as your answer
B.minimum efficient scale is small relative to the size of the market
Select economies of scale are followed immediately by diseconomies of scale so the LRAC curve has a unique minimum point as your answer
c.economies of scale are followed immediately by diseconomies of scale so the LRAC curve has a unique minimum point
Select the law of diminishing returns does not hold as your answer
d.the law of diminishing returns does not hold
Select there is a large range of constant returns to scale as your answer
E.there is a large range of constant returns to scale