Article Writing Homework Help
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on democracy in ukraine Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!
Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on democracy in ukraine Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! not stealing from the state coffers and protecting favored oligarchs, but actually
representing the people who elected them. For most people, this is a first taste of real self-
determination” (Paton)
In other democracies (such as the United States) are the chances of voter fraud
minimized by the old established checks and balances ” the vote fraud in (circa 2004)
November’s Ukrainian election, which denied Yuschenko his victory, was no different
than the vote fraud in the United States election that same month, which denied John
Kerry his victory. in both cases, there was a major discrepancy between exit polls and the
official count.
The exit polls in the United States were off by less than 2%. This discrepancy can
largely be explained by exit pollsters acknowledged over sampling of women voters,
new rules that limit nonvoters proximity to polling places, and the apparent high level of
interview cooperation by Kerry supporters than by Bush advocates. The difference
between exit polls and the official count in the Ukraine, by contrast, was more than 14%,
and considerable evidence suggests that the Kiev government tampered with the results.
For example in the Donestk region, officials claimed that Yushchenko won by less than
3% of the vote. International observers, also reported widespread intimidation of election
monitors, ballot stuffing, multiple voting, and government pressuring of voters” (Zunes).