Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Legislation Frameworks, Codes of Practice and Policies of Positive Behaviour. The work is to be 14 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a r

I will pay for the following article Legislation Frameworks, Codes of Practice and Policies of Positive Behaviour. The work is to be 14 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. In the United Kingdom, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Mental Health Act 1983 have been designed to support positive behaviour among the individuals. These Acts state that all individuals have the full right to take their own decision regarding the treatment and care and it is also a crime to discriminate a mentally challenged individual. The codes of practice designed by the UK government have facilitated the social care workers and persons responsible for looking after the challenging behaviour with the best working practices and care. The codes and policies have taught the promoter of positive behaviour to be honest and reliable towards the children with challenging behaviour and young people (Paley, 2012). Hence, it is ascertained that the legislative frameworks and codes of practices in the UK have enabled the workers to provide best care and services to the children and young people with challenging behaviour. A few of the challenging behaviours and its associated legislation frameworks and policies are explained hereunder:

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Repetitive behaviour among the children can be dealt in with the kind and understanding behaviour of the carers and also be going through constant verbal and nonverbal communication along with social interaction. Doing these activities will also aid in promoting positive behaviour among the children along with the young people. For instance, if a child is obsessed with the pattern of reading through the pictures, the carers must allow him/her to do so as it will enhance the child’s reading skill. According to the UK legislation, the Children Acts (1989 and 2004) support repetitive/ obsessive behaviour (Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, 2012).

Aggressive nature usually happens among the children whenever their wishes are unidentified or fulfilled. It is necessary that this behaviour is being dealt in very carefully and thus, positive behaviour can be promoted through the provision of safer and secure environment to the child. This behaviour is also supported by the Children Act 1989.&nbsp.