Law Homework Help

Recently Cengage and McGraw Hill, two textbook publishers, announced they are merging into one company and it has raised a lot anti-trust type concerns. Read the following article from Inside Higher E

Recently Cengage and McGraw Hill, two textbook publishers, announced they are merging into one company and it has raised a lot anti-trust type concerns. Read the following article from Inside Higher Ed Magazine called’ Pending Merger Faces Growing Opposition and explain in an original post the anti-trust issues that the merger raises. What are the antitrust issues that arise from this merger?  Are there things in the article that concern you as a college student?  Do you think this will help keep the cost of higher education down or will it ultimately lead to higher textbook costs for students?  

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Write an original 200+ word. In your post mention the article you have read at least twice and give your opinion on the issue in a clear and understandable manner. Always discuss any ethical issues that are involved. Cite any other sources you use when writing your post at the end of your submission.