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Write 37 pages thesis on the topic the fall of communism: the polish experience, 1980.

Write 37 pages thesis on the topic the fall of communism: the polish experience, 1980. The talks, symbolically taking place around a massive “round table” legalized Solidarity, and allowed them to put up as many candidates as they wanted for the Polish Senate. They were only allowed to contend for 35% of the seats in the lower house, the Sejm. While pre-election forecasts suggested the Communists would win, in fact, there was a landslide for Solidarity. It won 92 out of 99 Senate seats and all 161 seats it was contending in the lower house. Had it been allowed to contend all seats it seems likely that Solidarity would have won more than 95% of the seats going. The Communist Party (the PZPR) was left virtually powerless, and the first non-Communist Prime Minister of Poland, Bronislaw Geremek, was chosen from the lower house. His acceptance speech spoke of a “thick line” (Jendt, 2005) that would be drawn between the Communist past and the Solidarity-led future. As Jendt (2005) puts it, “in hindsight the outcome of the round-table was a negotiated end to Communism, and at least to some of the participants, that much was already clear . . . but no-one anticipated the speed of the denouement.” In conclusion, the speed of the ultimate breakdown of Communist was remarkable, but it can be explained by the fact that the Communists had been holding on to power through a relentless artificiality for nearly a decade. Once the bonds of the Soviet Union were released and the people were actually allowed a free vote, the pent up frustrations and will to change that had been growing within them burst into a massive rejection of Communism.

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