Article Writing Homework Help
I need some assistance with these assignment. active video games to promote physical activity in children Thank you in advance for the help!
I need some assistance with these assignment. active video games to promote physical activity in children Thank you in advance for the help! The data for the study has been collected through a wide range of articles from various scholarly journals, such as Arch Pediatr Adolesc, Skeletal Radiol, and PubMed. Some of the keywords that the researchers have used to explore the most relevant articles include energy expenditure, heart rate, energy metabolism, injury, disability, and musculoskeletal. This appears to be a good effort to ensure the clinical relevance of the article with the issue under study. The researchers have used eighteen previous studies that met their inclusion criterion of youth and children under the age of 22 years. Out of the 18 studies, 12 were related to energy expenditure, whereas he rests 6 were related to AVG exposure.
The results of the study reveal that although AVG play outweighs passive or sedentary video gaming in terms of energy expenditure and overall health level, it cannot replace the value of vigorous physical activity (Haddock, Siegel, & Wikin, 2009). The results of the study also revealed that there are no typical barriers in AVG play like seasonal conditions and lack of transportation facility (Zabinski, Saelens, Stein, Hayden-Wade, & Wilfley, 2003). As far as the AVG play risks are concerned, the study does not reveal any significant risks like muscle strain or muscle soreness both of which frequently occur during on-the-field physical play (Nett, Collins, & Sperling, 2008).
Summing it up, the article is well-organized and properly structured, which makes the flow of information smooth and the readers become able to understand the underlying concepts easily. The authors have talked about the significance of AVG play as an effective measure towards improving energy expenditure level and physical fitness of youth and children. The article provides a good amount of information on the risks and benefits of AVG play and provides directions for further study in areas like safe use of AVG play for people with disabilities and identification of appropriate methods to assess fitness outcomes.