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Write a 7 pages paper on using nintendo wii in library programming for young adults.
Write a 7 pages paper on using nintendo wii in library programming for young adults. (MacKenty, 2006)
One of the most controversial issues that are highly associated with playing video games is the common perception that that these games could promote a culture of violence among the American youths. (Lieberman, 1998) In line with this matter, many studies have shown that playing violent video games is considered as one major factor that could increase the number of massacres in different schools. (Gegax, Adler and Pedersen, 1998)
Despite the negative impact of playing video games in the students’ aggressive behavior (Winkel, Novak and Hopson, 1987. Graybill et al., 1987), the researcher will discuss the benefits of using Nintendo Wii and other game consoles in each of the local school libraries. Eventually, the researcher will critically analyze the how these games could increase the students’ interest in learning the school subjects. Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will provide a recommendation on how game console could be beneficial to the learning experience of the students.
Nintendo Wii is considered as one of the top three next generation of game console that many school librarians are considering aside from Microsoft’s Xbox 260 Elite and Sony’s PlayStation 3 (PS3). (Czarnecki, 2007)
Wii enables the players to control the game using the motion of the hands, measuring the body movement and its velocity accurately. (MacKenty, 2007) Wii is capable of delivering outstanding graphics and high quality sound which could significantly adds up to the quality of the students’ gaming experience. Since Wii game console is designed using the standard USB port, Wii games can easily be played by several students through networking. Wii game console is also applicable to older TV models to allow more students to view the game.
Microsoft’s Xbox 260 Elite or PlayStation 3 is capable of multiplayer games.