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Write a 6 pages paper on : the effect on psychological and well being among children and their siblings with autism spectrum disorder.
Write a 6 pages paper on : the effect on psychological and well being among children and their siblings with autism spectrum disorder. This review thus is aimed at examining the existing effects that have been identified by previous studies and to identify gaps and areas that need to researched more.
Among all human relationships, sibling relationship normally last the longest since it involves the entire lifetime of an individual and it is thus important. The sibling relationship is distinctive in that it is accredited rather than achieved and typically, it is one of the relationships that encourage equality among all people where individuals are portrayed as having the same social worth. Nurturance and conflict in the sibling association provide them with experiences that substitute the growth of emotional understanding and a sense of self-belonging, which is vital for the relationship to continue prevailing. Sibling relationships begin at a tender age and as a child develop, the relationship continues to decrease and it is thus maintained through such activities as regular visits, frequent telephone calls and other joint family activities (Petalas, et al. 2012).
When one child is diagnosed with ASD, there is a higher probability that the sibling relation will be affected since these disorders impair verbal communication and can result to a poor reciprocating system. At infancy stage, the siblings of ASD children display less eye contact, fewer gestures, less turning and showing behavior than the typically developing children as according to the journal on siblings of individuals with autism.
The authors of the infant sibling studies argue that the exhibited developmental differences are due to genetic liability but Yirmiya differs and argues that the impairments may be due to environmental factors (Siegel & Zalcman 2009).