Information Systems Homework Help

According to the attach document. Here is the outline. Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations • Introduction • Summary of Results • Limitations of Study • Recommenda

According to the attach document. Here is the outline. 

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Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations

•     Introduction

•     Summary of Results 

•     Limitations of Study

 •     Recommendations 

•     Conclusions



•Briefly define about the main issues of your research area •The primary purpose of this study was to discover and identify issues……….. •     Finally, this chapter presents conclusions drawn from the data analysis and results. Interpretation of findings are

     thoroughly discussed and recommendations for future research have also been provided.

Summary of results

•E.g., In this study, the researcher investigated various contributing factors that exacerbate organizational risks. Results of data collection and data analysis were presented in relation to the open-ended survey questions provided to participants. These data were used to address the research questions. The first research question asked how organizations………..It is alarming to note that most of the participants (Figure 10), do not have a…………….

Limitations of Study

You already covered it in Chapter 1. Use it + any limitations which you encountered thereafter, or during your research time (if any).


•E.g., The first recommendation is further experimental study to validate cyber risks in xxxxx area needs to be conducted. •Further research work in xxxxxxxxx area needs to be conducted, etc.


•Organizations should also strive to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx •Another important factor that organizations need to consider is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

There is no limitation about the word as long as you  answer the questions.